Another Hamster Escape

I put Pookie away after playing with her.  I checked the bungie cords and tape covering her sleeping area, everything was hamster proofed and supposedly impossible for her to escape.

Maybe 30 to 45 minutes later I went upstairs to check on her. Her door was wide open and she was no where to be seen. I ran downstairs and told everyone what happened. We started searching right away knowing she could be anywhere (this isn’t the first time she’s escaped).

While I was searching for Pookie in my room I heard a strange scratching sound that definitely wasn’t from the rain hitting my windows. 

I followed the sound which led me to believe she was behind my desk and I was very confused when she wasn’t.  The noises continued until I came to the conclusion that she was stuck… in my desk? 

We slowly took out each drawer one by one, starting from the bottom, until we reached the top.  One more drawer to go.  As we opened it there was Pookie, looking up at us with her big black eyes.

Now I knew Pookie was good at escaping but how she got in my desk and climbed up to the highest drawer I will never know.  This is why we sometimes call her “Hamdini.”

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One Response to Another Hamster Escape

  1. Layal says:

    my hamster called pooki ran away, i left her in the balconi inside her cage, which was locked tightly… the pigeons opened the cage for her…. and she got to the garden using the rain pipe 🙁 a week later i saw her favorite food in the grass 🙁 love u pookz

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