Another Hamster Escape

I put Pookie away after playing with her.  I checked the bungie cords and tape covering her sleeping area, everything was hamster proofed and supposedly impossible for her to escape.

Maybe 30 to 45 minutes later I went upstairs to check on her. Her door was wide open and she was no where to be seen. I ran downstairs and told everyone what happened. We started searching right away knowing she could be anywhere (this isn’t the first time she’s escaped).

While I was searching for Pookie in my room I heard a strange scratching sound that definitely wasn’t from the rain hitting my windows. 

I followed the sound which led me to believe she was behind my desk and I was very confused when she wasn’t.  The noises continued until I came to the conclusion that she was stuck… in my desk? 

We slowly took out each drawer one by one, starting from the bottom, until we reached the top.  One more drawer to go.  As we opened it there was Pookie, looking up at us with her big black eyes.

Now I knew Pookie was good at escaping but how she got in my desk and climbed up to the highest drawer I will never know.  This is why we sometimes call her “Hamdini.”

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Hamster Died from Wet Tail

My previous hamster died from wet tail.  Before that I never heard of the disease.  This is the story of  Nibs, my second hamster…
It had been maybe two or three years since I had my first pet hamster.  One Sunday afternoon, after a lot of earlier begging, when my family was in the same room, I asked if we could please go to the pet store and get a hamster.

My parents thought about it and decided that it wasn’t a bad idea at the time.  So, since we still had the cage from our last hamster, we got it out, washed it, and put it together.  By now I was so excited and hyper that as soon as we finished the cage we hopped in the car and drove to the pet store.

We ended up buying a young, female, golden hamster, and we named her Nibs (it’s a chocolate word). We got home, put Nibs in her new clean cage and just watched her settle in for couple of minutes.  I wanted to show off my new hamster so we loaded the cage with Nibs into the car and headed out to my Nana’s house.

A few days went by and Nibs seemed to be enjoying her new life with us (sleep a few hours, get taken out to be played with, and repeating that over the course of the day). 

Maybe half way through the same week we got her I started to notice Nibs acting strange.  She wasn’t as active and playful as she used to be, and it seemed like her backside and tail was always wet and sticky.  I told my parents that I thought Nibs was sick and should be taken to the vet but they assured me that nothing was wrong.

Still worrying, I went onto the internet and typed in the symptoms she was having and one thing came up every time, wet tail.  I copy and pasted an article and emailed both my parents.  My mom agreed it was something to look into so she did some more research, finding a medicine called dry tail that you put into your hamster’s water.  We bought the medicine right away and started giving it to Nibs as prescribed, but it was too late.  On the next Sunday, exactly one week after we got her, Nibs died.  I was very sad.
My dad called the pet store to see if we could get a replacement.  Then we found out that Nibs, and all the others hamsters there, were already being treated for wet tail at the pet store.  If we had known we could have continued the treatment, or responded faster when she showed symptoms.

The pet store had a warranty and gave us a free hamster in return for what happened.  This time we continued the medicine for a few days and tried not to stress the new hamster as much.  Now Pookie has been with us for almost a year.

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Banana Treat for Hamsters

Here’s a banana treat for your hamster…

You’ll need to cut about 1/2 to 3/4 inch of banana into 4 to 5 slices.  Add a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice.  Mash it all up.  Then add some oatmeal and mix it all together.

Your hamster will love the treat.  We only make a little because it won’t keep long.  Just give a little to the hamster.  What your creature doesn’t eat right away you can refrigerate for up to 1 day.

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Welcome to the LYC Blog

I’m so excited to make my first blog post and I don’t even really know what to write about.  So I’m going to tell you why I love hamsters… THEY’RE CUTE!

What else do you need to know?  Actually here on my blog I would like to answer your questions about hamsters and other small pets.  My focus is starting with hamsters though so I will answer those questions first.

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