Knowing The fruit which is healthy for dogs is not good?

When it comes to the question of whether fruit ( Can Hamster Eat Celery )can be planned into the diet of animals as a health-promoting ration, it is easy to “get dogged”. Many types of fruit provide man’s best friend with energy and vitamins. However, there are also harmful or even poisonous fruits that you should be aware of. Learn more here.

A healthy diet is important not only for humans, but also for dogs . In addition to sufficient exercise, dog food contributes to the animals being healthy and vital. It also has a positive effect on the life expectancy of the animal. Therefore, various trends, such as BARF or vegetarian nutrition for dogs, have prevailed.

At BARF, the four-legged friend only gets meals made from raw meat and bones. These are supplemented with pureed or chopped fruit and vegetables, some raw and some cooked. The following applies here: what humans can eat raw, dogs can also eat raw . The other way around, it goes without saying that potatoes or rice, for example, should be boiled before feeding. Fruit is a great snack between meals.

What fruit can dogs eat?

Many types of fruit are healthy for dogs because they are rich in water, good sources of energy and contain vitamins . These promote various processes in the dog’s body and support the immune system. The fructose contained in fruit has one major advantage: it does not lead to obesity , tartar or diabetes mellitus .

List of Healthy Fruits for Dogs:

  • apples and pears

Apples are rich in various vitamins and trace elements, as well as pectin. Pectin is a dietary fiber that cannot be digested in the dog’s stomach. It contributes to a healthy intestinal flora and promotes digestion.

In addition, it has a water-binding effect, which makes apples suitable as a home remedy for dogs suffering from diarrhea . Pears are also digestive because they support the natural movement of the intestines. The tannins it contains alleviate gastrointestinal inflammation.

  • pineapple and papaya

The tropical fruits contain special protein structures, so-called enzymes , which benefit the animals’ body digestion. The enzymes have a supporting effect in the dog’s stomach when it comes to breaking down proteins from food. In addition, the vitamin C it contains strengthens your dog’s immune system.

  • bananas

In addition to many nutrients, bananas bring a lot of energy with them. They are therefore particularly suitable for animals suffering from gastrointestinal problems. However, in healthy dogs, excessive feeding of raw bananas can lead to constipation .

Bananas are less suitable for Dalmatians and Great Danes because they contain a lot of purine . This is a natural substance that is an important part of genetic information, for example. If the animals consume too much purine, it is converted into a metabolic product which they excrete with their urine. However, Dalmatians have a genetic defect that disrupts this process. As a result, the animals excrete more aggressive uric acid with the urine, which can lead to bladder and kidney stones. You should therefore not feed bananas at all or very little to both dog breeds.

  • Berries: blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and currants

The sweet fruits are also pure vitamin bombs for dogs because they contain a lot of vitamin C and folic acid . Vitamin C supports the animal’s immune system in the fight against pathogens. Folic acid is one of the B vitamins and plays an important role in cell division and cell growth. In addition, blackberries, raspberries and currants contain valuable anthocyanins . These are special plant substances that protect cells from oxidative stress.

Basically, it is advisable that you feed your dog moderate amounts of fruit and very ripe fruit . Dried and dehydrated fruit is also suitable as a healthy snack, but not as a regular treat. If the animals eat too much dried fruit, they can get flatulence and diarrhea. In addition, it provides a lot of energy because it contains more calories than fresh fruit. It is best to also keep an eye on the dog’s weight so that your four-legged friend does not become overweight .

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What fruit should dogs not eat?

There are also fruits that are not recommended to be fed to dogs. Plums, mirabelle plums and damsons are among the fruits that the animals should eat only occasionally. The fruit skins are difficult to digest and can ferment in the intestine. In addition, they have a laxative effect.

Be careful when there are meadow orchards on your walk : Make sure that the four-legged friend does not eat any fallen fruit that may have fermented. Plums, mirabelle plums and damsons also contain indigestible hard stones that can lead to constipation . It also contains harmful cyanic and hydrocyanic acid compounds.

Other fruits and nuts not suitable for dogs:

  • Although citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, they contain a lot of acid. Dogs with hyperacidity problems therefore tend to get gastrointestinal problems from citrus fruits.
  • Grapes and raisins are absolutely not suitable for dogs . Dogs that have eaten large quantities of the fruit often show symptoms of poisoning : they vomit and are very sluggish. There is also a risk that their kidneys will fail. In this situation, it is advisable to visit a veterinary practice or animal clinic as soon as possible .
  • Macadamia nuts are also harmful to four-legged friends and also trigger symptoms of poisoning. Almonds , especially bitter almonds , contain bitter substances and harmful hydrocyanic acid.
  • Avocados are also not suitable as a snack for dogs. They contain the plant active substance persin and lead to heart damage in many four-legged friends that cannot be treated. The high fat content also impairs digestion and leads to gastrointestinal problems.
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